For many families, a car is an important part of their daily logistics. For the Davies family, it’s a necessity.
Nicola and James have reason to rely heavily on their Vauxhall Zafira. Ethan, aged four, was born prematurely at 28 weeks and started out on an extremely difficult medical journey. The young fighter battled his way through a series of health issues – including a long-needed kidney transplant, a donor for which Ethan’s parents eventually found through a successful Facebook campaign.
But the ultimate blow was landed in December of last year; on top of it all, Ethan was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia just five days before Christmas, entirely unrelated to his kidney transplant.
Frequent trips to Great Ormond Street have placed an almost overwhelming degree of emotional stress on the Davies family, but also a great deal of wear and tear on their car. As a result, the Zafira’s clutch and gearbox required replacement at a time when every penny of the family’s budget was dedicated towards Ethan’s healthcare.
“The car is vital for them as a family of five, especially given that Ethan travels with a pushchair and lots of medical equipment and medication,” says Josie, Ethan’s godmother. “A working car is imperative for them in order that they are able to get around, to and from the hospital and when Ethan is eventually allowed home it will be required for 3-4 weekly trips, if not daily, to the hospital for his continued treatment over the next few years.”
On hearing of the situation through Ethan’s godmother Josie, the team of mechanics at Eden Oxford wasted no time in volunteering their time and the necessary parts.
Within a couple of days, Ethan’s dad picked up the Zafira – now good as new – and was on his way.
“I cannot begin to say how appreciative of the work we are,” said Josie after the collection. “I’m so pleased with how it all went, as well as how friendly and courteous the team are at Eden Oxford. Thanks to everyone for their kindness.”
“It’s the very least we could do,” states Bradley Greene, sales manager for the Oxford branch. “We wish Ethan and the family all the very best on the challenging months to come.”
To follow Ethan’s story, visit his Facebook group and be sure to send a message of support to the Davies family.